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Deutschland Em Kader 2004

Breaking News: Germany Announces 2004 European Championship Roster

Who's In, Who's Out

Stuttgart's Timo Hildebrand Added to Squad

Stuttgart's Timo Hildebrand has been added to Germany's squad for the upcoming European Championship in Portugal, according to WEB Deutschland. The 23-year-old goalkeeper joins a roster that includes many of Germany's top stars, including Oliver Kahn, Michael Ballack, and Miroslav Klose.

Injury Concerns for Schweinsteiger

The news comes as a blow to Bayern Munich midfielder Bastian Schweinsteiger, who has been ruled out of the tournament with an injury. Schweinsteiger was expected to be a key player for Germany, but his absence will force coach Rudi Völler to make some changes to his lineup.

Germany Faces Tough Competition

Germany is considered one of the favorites to win the European Championship, but they will face tough competition from other top teams such as France, Spain, and Italy. The tournament begins on June 12th, and Germany will open their campaign against the Netherlands.
